Outdoor gym and local sports grounds in Karlskrona
Outdoor gym is located in the following places in Karlskrona - on Rosenholm and Västra Mark.
The local sports grounds have artificial turf and here you can, for example, play football, have a regular gym and cardio. It is not possible to book a place, first come, first served.
Outdoor gym:
Trossö - The trading port
The state-of-the-art outdoor gym is located near the sea and is open 24 hours a day, all year round. The outdoor gym is next to the Stumholmskanalen on Trossö. Six stations are offered.
Västra Mark
The outdoor gym at Västra Mark is adjacent to the running tracks. The outdoor gym is built of wood and consists of seven stations that give the body a versatile workout.
Outdoor gym by the Lyckebyån river, near the car park at the Lyckåvallen sports ground/football pitch.
The outdoor gym at Rosenholm is adjacent to the artificial turf. The tools are made of metal and there are seven stations that give the body a versatile workout.
Local sports venues:
The multi-sport arena at Chapmansplan consists of a fenced artificial turf field with the possibility of playing various ball sports. Next to the pitch is an outdoor gym with four different pieces of equipment. The area also has a popular playground and a climbing frame.
The pulse in Rödeby
Pulsen is located by the swimming and sports hall in Rödeby. Here you can, for example, play football, basketball, floorball, handball, volleyball, but also have a regular gym and cardio.
Rödebyskolan uses Pulsen during the day. On evenings and weekends, anyone can go there. The facility has electric lights that are on until 22.00
Kulan i Kungsmarken
Kulan is located in the residential area Kungsmarken. Here you can play football but also have a regular gym and cardio. The facility has electric lights.
Artificial turf at Rosenfeldtsskolan
At Rosenfeldtsskolan there are artificial turf, floorball and basketball courts. Rosenfeldtsskolan uses the plans during the day. On evenings and weekends, anyone can go there.
Trossö - The trading port
The state-of-the-art outdoor gym is located near the sea and is open 24 hours a day, all year round. The outdoor gym is next to the Stumholmskanalen on Trossö. Six stations are offered.
Västra Mark
The outdoor gym at Västra Mark is adjacent to the running tracks. The outdoor gym is built of wood and consists of seven stations that give the body a versatile workout.
Outdoor gym by the Lyckebyån river, near the car park at the Lyckåvallen sports ground/football pitch.
The outdoor gym at Rosenholm is adjacent to the artificial turf. The tools are made of metal and there are seven stations that give the body a versatile workout.
Local sports venues:
The multi-sport arena at Chapmansplan consists of a fenced artificial turf field with the possibility of playing various ball sports. Next to the pitch is an outdoor gym with four different pieces of equipment. The area also has a popular playground and a climbing frame.
The pulse in Rödeby
Pulsen is located by the swimming and sports hall in Rödeby. Here you can, for example, play football, basketball, floorball, handball, volleyball, but also have a regular gym and cardio.
Rödebyskolan uses Pulsen during the day. On evenings and weekends, anyone can go there. The facility has electric lights that are on until 22.00
Kulan i Kungsmarken
Kulan is located in the residential area Kungsmarken. Here you can play football but also have a regular gym and cardio. The facility has electric lights.
Artificial turf at Rosenfeldtsskolan
At Rosenfeldtsskolan there are artificial turf, floorball and basketball courts. Rosenfeldtsskolan uses the plans during the day. On evenings and weekends, anyone can go there.
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