A city built on 33 islands

The archipelago feeling is constantly present wherever you are in Karlskrona, due to the unique location. The city center is located on its own island, 6 km from the mainland. From the highest point of the city center, The Great Square, Stortorget, where you will find the shopping streets, it only takes a few minutes walk to the jetty. There are archipelago boats, kayak rentals and lovely summer hangouts just outside the hotel door.

Karlskrona's history has given the city unique and magnificent environments with a sense of grandeur and exclusivity. Here on this page you will find tips on experiences in our proud world heritage city and a description of the city's different parts. We call them islands.

Tillsammans - Ny text

Här bor charmig skärgård & landsbygd granne med en vacker stadskärna och världsarvsmiljö.

sköna miljöer


nya stadsdel nytt stråk gammal möte nytt 

god mat, härligt vågskvalp

centrumkärna, shopping

livsnjutarna, vardagsmitarna, det goda livet, kultur, nyfikna upptäckare

I Karlskrona finns flera sköna cafeér och restauranger med härligt vågskvalp inpå knuten. Karlskrona stadsmarina, Fisktorget, Saltösund, Stumholmen och Pottholmen är bara några tips i staden.

Karlskrona - Your World Heritage site

Beautiful churches, magnificent squares, parade streets and fortifications attract visitors from all over the world!

Drop anchor in Karlskrona, the city that was founded in 1680, when King Karl XI decided to build his new naval base here. The key to the nomination is the actual planning of the city, which was built under the king's will and vision. More than 340 years later, the naval base is still on Lindholmen, in the very heart of the world heritage - in the city where old meets new and tradition meets innovation.

Unescos världsarvslogotyp

Karlskrona World Heritage
- What is it really?

Join a guided tour, which in a simple way explains what made Karlskrona end up on UNESCO's list of indispensable world heritage sites in 1998.



The Naval City of Karlskrona celebrates 25 years

UNESCO named the Naval City of Karlskrona a world heritage site in 1998 and now it's time for the 25th anniversary! This is celebrated with a World Heritage Festival, which starts on UN Day 24 October and runs until 29 October. Exhibitions, music, guided tours, etc. will fill the city for six days and nights.


Virtual reality gives access to a secret area.
We take you on guided tours in a fantastic world heritage environment.
You will be completely surrounded by our beautiful city, its buildings and environments.
We promise a breathtaking and amazing experience in a unique place.

Welcome to experience the old naval shipyard on Lindholmen in virtual reality!

Discover the world heritage city of Karlskrona

Discover the city by going on a city tour of the world heritage on your own, using your phone. Visit Blekinge Museum, Karlskrona Porcelain Museum and Albinsson and Sjöberg's Car Museum (visits need to be pre-booked during the low season) and The Naval Museum, Karlskrona's main attraction.

Car museum - Albinsson & Sjöberg

Car museum - Albinsson & Sjöberg

This collection contains some of the publisher's, Albinsson & Sjöberg's, milestones in journalistic

Karlskrona Porcelain Museum

Karlskrona Porcelain Museum

Welcome to Karlskrona Porcelain Museum in the old Porcelain Factory on Östra Hamngatan 7D in

Blekinge Museum

Blekinge Museum

Regional Museum in Blekinge - there are exhibitions about the county's history, Blekinge coastal

Marinmuseum sett från havet

The Naval Museum

Karlskrona's main attraction! This is one of southern Sweden's most popular tourist destinations. Exciting, fun and educational for the whole family.

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Your guide to Karlskrona - Use the map and discover the city!

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