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Karlskrona Kajak

Karlskrona Kayak offers rental of sea kayaks, SUP and fishing kayaks.

Rental places are available in three different places in the Karlskrona archipelago:
- Sturkö: The rental is managed by Sturkö camping caravan club.
- Torhamn: The rental is managed by Torhamns Kajak in the middle of Karlskrona's eastern archipelago. Located right by the bathing place before the harbor in Torhamn
- Fisktorget: The rental is handled by GoKAYA, web and booking: gokaya.se.
- Ytterön: The rental is handled by ytteron.se. One-man and two-man kayaks, as well as SUP. Phone number: 0455 349019. E-mail: boka@ytteron.se.

Karlskrona Kajak also provides courses where you can learn good technique and everything that concerns safety in connection with your kayaking. Offers courses for both beginners and a little more experienced paddlers.

Karlskrona Kayak also offers sales of kayaks.

For more information, see Karlskrona Kayak's website below.