Jämjöhalvan - a run for the whole family!

Jämjöhalvan - a run for the whole family!

Jämjöhalvan is a wide race for everyone with distances from children's races to half marathons. Challenge yourself and your partner on the easy-to-run and crowd-friendly lap track around Jämjö!

Jämjöhalvan will be held on Saturday 9 November 2024!

Different distances:
The course is a 4-lap course, i.e. 10 km is equal to two laps.
5 km 1 lap
21.1 km, 10 km and 5 km are control-measured by federal surveyor Per Månsson on September 25. Along the course there are officials/guides from Team Blekinge.
Start/finish; The competition center and finish place are near Jändelskolan in Jämjö, about 2 miles east of Karlskrona.

Please note that there are different starting locations depending on the distance you are participating in!
21.1 km and the Jämjöhallen relay, starts at 10:30
10 km, starts 10:40
5 km, starts 10:45

5 km, youth class 12, 14 and 16 years old starts at 10:45
500 m, Children's race, starts 12:45

In the Jämjöhallen relay, you start together with the half-marathon runners, but you have four people to cover 21.1 km together in relay form.

For registration and more information see links.